martes, 9 de enero de 2018

cupcakKe - Ephorize

Score: 7.7

There's plenty of angry joy and kinky introspection on Ephorize, even too much to mislead this record as merely "another backlash millenial rap manifesto". Elizabeth Eden Harris distills an amazing flow, passion and knack for naughty word-play. But on her third album, she also digs deepest into herself, and reaches her highest heights in attempting at doing music. It's clear we have an artist truly coming of age and making proof of her own multifaceted, colourful and (sure) fun-as-hell abilities.

Tracks I like the most: Self Interview, Fullest, Spoiled Milk Titties, Crayons, Cartoons, Exit
Tracks I like the least: Total, Wisdom Teeth, Post Pic

Artist: cupcakKe
Country: United States
Album: Ephorize
Released: 05/01/2018
Genres: Hip Hop, Dirty Rap, Pop
Length: 46:41

lunes, 8 de enero de 2018

Pax Eudaemonia - Pax Eudaemonia

Score: 7.3

As they so rightly describe it on their official Bandcamp page, the debut full-length self-called deluxe album from the Italian musicians feels like "an ode to the dreamers" and a permeable, malleable if somewhat naïve binaural experience that doesn't harm as much as it does effect the listeners' perceptions of space, time and colour through nine cohesive pieces of ambient, instrumental, positronic electronica.

Tracks I like the most: Leidmotif, Fresco Fantasia, Giants Rising
Tracks I like the least: Grazioso

Artist: Pax Eudaemonia
Country: Italy
Album: Pax Eudaemonia
Released: 01/01/2018
Genres: Electronic, Ambient, Binaural, Instrumental
Length: 26:36

Jeff Rosenstock - POST-

Score: 6.7

Leaving the last two tracks (that are gorgeously executed) aside, POST- already feels exhausted in its own spiral of cynicism and self-deprication. Whereas that characteristic was once one of the (if not the capital-the) most alluring and entertaining feature of the American singer-songwriter's approach to angry rock music, now, for the first time, it might seem like the element that tires and turns the project a bit off.

Tracks I like the most: 9/10, Let Them Win, Beating My Head Against A Wall, Powerlessness
Tracks I like the least: Melba, TV Stars, USA

Artist: Jeff Rosenstock
Country: United States
Album: POST-
Released: 01/01/2018
Genres: Punk Rock, Indie Rock, Power Pop
Length: 40:06