miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

Jlin - Black Origami

Artist: Jlin
Country: United States
Album: Black Origami
Released: 19/05/2017
Genres: Experimental Electronic, Footwork
Length: 44:56

Those who already listened to Jlin's debut album Dark Energy won't find any surprises here. We're just left with another impressive electronic architectural structure of meshing/melting parts that sound as out of place as perfectly synchronized. The record feels almost always frenetic in its execution, but the finesse and weird sense of humour and place are never disoriented nor pushed aside. Black Origami is like its cover: a beautiful animal made out of light metalic material and rugous sheets that nonetheless create a kind of symphonic harmonic figure.

Tracks I like the most: Black Origami, Enigma, Nyakinyua Rise, 1%, Never Created, Never Destroyed
Tracks I like the least: Kyanite

Score: 9.1

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