viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

Score: 4.0 

The sixth album from the British already-iconic band (and their first in five years) aims at cosmic storytelling and dystopian odysseys about technology, love and the human mind. Though it's their most intriguing, low-key and mystical record to date, and the lyrics often show glimpses of brilliance, the irritating dullness on the songs' pace and the surprisingly lackluster instrumentation make for an experience that skims disaster too many times to be enjoyed. One sees that there's a lot of inspiration onTranquility..., but it's sad to say they crafted awful ways to let that feeling loose.

Tracks I like the most: One Point Perspective, Four Out Of Five, The Ultracheese
Tracks I like the least: Star Treatment, American Sports, Golden Trunks, She Looks Like Fun

Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Country: United Kingdom
Album: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Released: 11/05/2018
Genres: Lounge Pop, Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Soft Rock
Length: 40:51

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