jueves, 21 de junio de 2018

serpentwithfeet - soil

Score: 8.4 

After a grandiose EP in 2016, Josiah Wise more than fulfils expectations with his debut full-length album, soil. There's something both terrestrial and otherworldly about his music (this time by the hands of Clams Casino, Mmph, Katie Gately, Paul Epworth, among others), but the highlight is the way in which he morphs and warps his marvelous voice to retell stories about love, vulnerability, redemption and self-centeredness. The record is more than the sum of its parts, and it's another incredible evidence of an artist whose force is as esoteric as ululatingly enthralling.

Tracks I like the most: cherubim, seedless, messy, fragrant, bless ur heart
Tracks I like the least: waft

Artist: serpentwithfeet
Country: United States
Album: soil
Released: 08/06/2018
Genres: Experimental, R&B, Soul, Electronica, Gospel
Length: 39:47

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