viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace

Score: 8.4 

The debut full-length album from the Australian art punk supergroup is chaotic in its cinematicity and apocalyptic performance, dwelling on heavily distorted instrumentals and scrappy vocal harmonies and fulled with political and socially raw themes. Some tracks can get lost into their own maximalisms, but if you consider that that was the point on the first place, the record can't be categorised as anything but superior. Above all, the band continually shows great chemistry, potential, and excellence. Big ups on that.

Tracks I like the most: You Let My Tyres Down, The Future Of History, Soft Power
Tracks I like the least: A Laughing Death In Meatspace

Artist: Tropical Fuck Storm
Country: Australia
Album: A Laughing Death In Meatspace
Released: 04/05/2018
Genres: Alternative Rock, Blues Rock, Experimental Rock, Garage Rock, Post-Punk
Length: 47:17

The Ophelias - Almost

Score: 8.2 

Cincinnati band The Ophelias return with their sophomore album and display a knack for variety, sweet details and cocky ideas on it. It's clear their intentions are somber, no matter how hard they try to hide them behind layers of sugary indie pop fused with classical arrangements. There's nothing spectacular or breath-taking on Almost, but who said that that is mandatory for an album to be great?

Tracks I like the most: Generical Electric, Night Signs, Lunar Rover, House
Tracks I like the least: O Command

Artist: The Ophelias
Country: United States
Album: Almost
Released: 13/07/2018
Genres: Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Classical Crossover
Length: 29:47

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

Forest Swords - DJ-Kicks

Score: 8.7 

The latest release from the unclassifiable electronic producer Matthew Barnes comes in the shape of a curation for record label !K7's classic edition of DJ-Kicks. It's a fantastic journey that lets us dive deep into the artist's mindset, personal likes and possible influences when it comes to music as a manifesto. Twenty-seven tracks roll and blend into each other for an hour to create something as raw, wild and cacophonous as liberatingly wide, coherent and elegant. Going through eras, genres, moods and messages, this compilation of tracks can easily define Forest Swords' own music: timeless, rooted into the ancient past but fixed onto the unknown and otherworldly organic future.

Tracks I like the most: Best Friend (Mixed), With The Day Comes The Dawn (Mixed), Blank Project (Mixed), Crow, Gyal A Devil (Mixed), Mnemosyne (Mixed), Here Before (Mixed)
Tracks I like the least: Three Sisters Theme

Artist: Forest Swords
Country: United Kingdom
Album: DJ-Kicks
Released: 18/05/2018
Genres: Electronic, Experimental, Dub, Techno, IDM, Ambient, Reggae, Psychedelic, Folk, Sound Collage
Length: 64:36

martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Laurel Halo - Raw Silk Uncut Wood

Score: 7.9 

The latest release from experimental electronic artist Laurel Halo departs itself from her usual catalogue of cerebral, twisted and gummy spaces to contort into ambient and maximalism. The results feel utterly fresh, as if each of the six pieces interacting on the project know their function in their universe - as unsettling and otherworldly as urgent and tranquil. Another proof that the composer can reach out to the galaxies whenever she wants to.

Artist: Laurel Halo
Country: United States
Album: Raw Silk Uncut Wood
Released: 13/07/2018
Genres: Ambient, Experimental, Electronica, Sound Collage
Length: 32:29

sábado, 14 de julio de 2018

Dirty Projectors - Lamp Lit Prose

Score: 7.2 

The eighth album from the mutant experimental band Dirty Projectors comes after a year of its gloomiest and most visceral album yet. While the immaculate vocals, production and mixing are still there, ever-present and ever-growing as always, the guest artists are mostly squandered and some of the ideas protrayed in the project are redundant to the point of exhaustion and elevated to the point of inaccessibility. Lamp Lit Prose is a daring pop record that deserves to be highlighted, but it's definitely lower than what we come to expect from such a voracious group.

Tracks I like the most: Break-Thru, That's A Lifestyle, You're The One
Tracks I like the least: Zombie Conqueror, I Found It In U

Artist: Dirty Projectors
Country: United States
Album: Lamp Lit Prose
Released: 13/07/2018
Genres: Experimental Pop, Indie Pop, Baroque Pop, Electronica
Length: 37:20