sábado, 14 de julio de 2018

Dirty Projectors - Lamp Lit Prose

Score: 7.2 

The eighth album from the mutant experimental band Dirty Projectors comes after a year of its gloomiest and most visceral album yet. While the immaculate vocals, production and mixing are still there, ever-present and ever-growing as always, the guest artists are mostly squandered and some of the ideas protrayed in the project are redundant to the point of exhaustion and elevated to the point of inaccessibility. Lamp Lit Prose is a daring pop record that deserves to be highlighted, but it's definitely lower than what we come to expect from such a voracious group.

Tracks I like the most: Break-Thru, That's A Lifestyle, You're The One
Tracks I like the least: Zombie Conqueror, I Found It In U

Artist: Dirty Projectors
Country: United States
Album: Lamp Lit Prose
Released: 13/07/2018
Genres: Experimental Pop, Indie Pop, Baroque Pop, Electronica
Length: 37:20

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