jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Mount Eerie - Now Only

Score: 8.6 

The latest album from the American artist is a continuation of his soul-crushing, devastating record from last year, A Crow Looked At Me. In both of them, he explores the dense territories surrounding the mindset and physical spaces between life and death, nature and music, and anger and serenity. Composed by six songs, the composer gives us another track to discover his inner thoughts while showcasing his enormous talent for simple-yet-extraordinary story-telling. Once again, reality surpasses fiction, and it's the more jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring for its own unpredictability.

Tracks I like the most: Distortion, Tintin In Tibet, Now Only
Tracks I like the least: Two Paintings By Nikolai Astrup

Artist: Mount Eerie
Country: United States
Album: Now Only
Released: 16/03/2018
Genres: Indie Folk, Singer-Songwriter, Minal, Drone
Length: 43:36

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