martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

Zoé - Aztlán

Score: 6.7 

The latest release from the already-established indie pop/rock band Zoé is aesthetically pleasing but sonically unnerving. Almost all tracks have the same structures and sound palettes, making the record passable when it comes to background, chilly music but unimpressive when it comes to being the centre hole. Aztlán embraces identity and self-care, but doesn't find truly interesting ways to express them.

Tracks I like the most: Temor Y Temblor, No Hay Mal Que Dure, Luci
Tracks I like the least: Oropel

Artist: Zoé
Country: Mexico
Album: Aztlán
Released: 15/04/2018
Genres: Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Electronic, Dream Pop, Neo-Psychedelia
Length: 55:00

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