sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

Starchild & The New Romantic - Language

Score: 7.1 

Bryndon Cook, under his name Starchild & The New Romantic, delivers his first full-length album and delights with his nuanced and complex take on retro-futurism and soul-funk melodies. The record is plagued with rhythm and mood, but the songs are nonetheless somewhat undercooked and lacking vigour or ambition to surpass the album's already established intentions on first place. It's a small victory for the artist, but one cannot help but imagine that bigger ones will come in the future.

Tracks I like the most: Language, Hands Off, Black Diamond
Tracks I like the least: Ophelia's Room, Doubts

Artist: Starchild & The New Romantic
Country: United States
Album: Language
Released: 23/02/2018
Genres: Indie Pop, Funk, Soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Electronic
Length: 48:42

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