domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Dirty Projectors - Dirty Projectors

Artist: Dirty Projectors
Country: United States
Album: Dirty Projectors
Released: 21/02/2017
Genres: Art Pop, Experimental Electronic, Alternative R&B, Experimental Pop
Length: 48:14

The dizziest and most cathartic LP you can find this year, Dirty Projectors (both the artist and the album) show off individuality not as much a triumph than as a punishment. However, the songs grow in nourishingly affecting forms. The experimental essence pertains and the quiet chaos throughout the record makes the listener have the penchant for believing that Longstreth himself is enough to keep the band afloat and that there's more to break-up than pessimism and listlessness.

Tracks I like the most: Keep Your Name, Up In Hudson, Work Together, Little Bubble, Cool Your Heart
Tracks I like the least: I See You

Score: 8.4

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