viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Jvlian - Crisis

Score: 6.2 

The sophomore release from the rap quintet carries a lot of promise, but it's usually unable to cope and live up to its initial pretenses. Some of the eight bassy, organic and almost-caricaturesque songs are fire, but some are just a glimpse of gas. Crisis is an even necessary step forward into their career, but it's also a symptom that they're not "there" quite yet.

Tracks I like the most: No Hay Foto De Lo Que Hicimos Hoy, Tam-Bien
Tracks I like the least: Desencantado

Artist: Jvlian
Country: Argentina
Album: Crisis
Released: 09/03/2018
Genres: Hip Hop, Rap, Soul, Funk
Length: 23:16

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