martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

тпсб - Sekundenschlaf

Score: 8.1

There's something eerily comforting and disturbingly cozy about Sekundenschlaf, a record that bears an overwhelming mystery and symbolism to the state where one is about to fall asleep while driving. Whoever crafted this little gem of ambient techno/jungle should be more than proud, as much as we should be thankful to the one(s) who found it and made it public in the first place.

Tracks I like the most: Catching Rare Birds, Walking Distances, Matted Feathers
Tracks I like the least: Pacifier Habits

Artist: тпсб
Country: United Kingdom/Russia
Album: Sekundenschlaf
Released: 12/01/2018
Genres: Experimental, Abstract, Jungle, Ambient Techno, Drone
Length: 31:53

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