miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Cursive - Vitriola

Score: 6.1 

The latest release from American emo band Cursive is obfuscated in void from beginning to end. The strings try to add up to the whole sound, and are usually the most interesting element in the songs, but they aren't enough to propel the tracks strong. At the end, Vitriola is too messy and pessimistic to be enjoyed or appreciated fully.

Tracks I like the most: It's Gonna Hurt, Noble Soldier / Dystopian Lament
Tracks I like the least: Ghost Writer

Artist: Cursive
Country: United States
Album: Vitriola
Released: 05/10/2018
Genres: Indie Rock, Emo, Post-Hardcore
Length: 44:27

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