viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Peter Bjorn And John - Darker Days

Score: 7.4 

The eighth album from Swedish trio Peter Bjorn & John seems to follow the band's lamentous thorn: getting stuck onto one single-step gravitational force. The first four tracks on it function sweetly well, making up for some of the most levitating and fulfilling indie pop of the year; sadly, the rest of the record cannot live up to their standard, and end up feeling weakened and pale in comparison. Darker Days goes back to basics, which is not necessarily a bad thing; the thing is, it's just not that able to maintain the euphoria for long.

Tracks I like the most: One For The Team, Every Other Night, Gut Feeling
Tracks I like the least: Velvet Sky

Artist: Peter Bjorn And John
Country: Sweden
Album: Darker Days
Released: 19/10/2018
Genres: Indie Pop, Synth-Pop, New Wave
Length: 42:10

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