domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

Poppy - Poppy.Computer

Artist: Poppy
Country: United States
Album: Poppy.Computer
Released: 06/10/2017
Genres: Synth-Pop, Bubblegum Pop, Indie Pop
Length: 34:17

The debut studio album from the Youtube personality gives you everything you did (and you could possibly) wish for/expect to: lush, colourful, sugary pop songs that nonetheless carry a certain dark/dangerous burden on them. But beyond the plastic and the glitter, there's a deeper message and social commentary on how we connect (and disconnet) to our world through, thanks to and because of technology. To call Poppy.Computer a great album would be to overrate it, but to dismiss it as superficial would definitely be to underestimate it.

Tracks I like the most: I'm Poppy, Let's Make A Video, My Microphone, Interweb, Pop Music
Tracks I like the least: Moshi Moshi, Software Upgrade

Score: 8.3

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