martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Pumarosa - The Witch

Artist: Pumarosa
Country: United
Album: The Witch
Released: 19/05/2017
Genres: Indie Pop, Art Pop, Indie Rock, Art Rock, Electronic
Length: 54:55

The levels of ambition, delicacy and elegance are astounding, especially for a band just dropping their debut album. While not all their risks pay off, there's a constant sense of adventure, twisted magic and artistic euphoria in this record. A lot to enjoy here; the faults can be easily forgiven, and the highs can be easily embraced.

Tracks I like the most: Dragonfly, Honey, The Witch, Priestess, Lion's Den
Tracks I like the least: Hollywood, Barefoot, Snake

Score: 7.9

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