domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018

Dialect - Loose Blooms

Score: 7.7 

The debut full-length album on Dense Truth Records from UK ambient artist Dialect is a textured, minimalistic and woefully organic collection of performances (more than songs) that pulsate and arise tension with their cacophonous noise, humming drone and exhilarating plunderphonics. If it lacks diversity and bombast, it makes up for grand instrumentation (silicon-like strings and bubbly drums, to name a few) and agonic, non-verbal storytelling. Loose Blooms cements the artist's reputation as a wordless voice to bear in mind in the future.

Tracks I like the most: Fissures, Skye Steppes, One Day Our Phones Will Be Rocks
Tracks I like the least: Thirlmere Wash

Artist: Dialect
Country: United Kingdom
Album: Loose Blooms
Released: 19/03/2018
Genres: Electronic, Ambient, Experimental, Noise, Drone, Field Recordings
Length: 36:14

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