lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

Low - Double Negative

Score: 8.7 

The twelfth album from the slowcore legend band Low is an impressive shift from their pseudo-acoustic approach to music. Much to the like of Bon Iver, they've decided to radically change their sound favouring enormous wall sounds, void drones and cryptic electronics as well as nerving minimalism and austere familiarity. The results are magnificent; each piece in solid connection to the other, maintaining a throbbing pulse that separates the band and assures them as one of the most necessary and fascinating listens. What's more, Double Negative, in all its essence, feels truly apocalyptic; it may be the most darkly urgent record of the year.

Tracks I like the most: Quorum, Dancing And Blood, Tempest, Always Trying To Work It Out, Poor Sucker
Tracks I like the least: Rome (Always In The Dark)

Artist: Low
Country: United States
Album: Double Negative
Released: 14/09/2018
Genres: Ambient Pop, Glitch Pop, Noise Pop, Slowcore, Drone, Post-Industrial, Dream Pop, Experimental
Length: 48:49

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